Course Creators and Membership Owners
Virtual and In-Person Events/Retreat Hosts
E-commerce Business Owners
Latest Updates Campaign
Attract new leads by showcasing recent purchases, sign-ups or other customer activities in real-time.
Reviews + Ratings Campaign
Automatically display to reviews and ratings from happy customers to build trust and credibility.
Why Buy Campaign
Highlight key selling points, limited time offers, and compelling reasons to choose your product or service!
Unlimited Pages and Campaigns
Use OfferHype™ notifications on unlimited pages with unlimited campaigns for one transparent price.
Boost conversions instantly showing real-time activity to create FOMO.
Build trust at every step by leveraging reviews and ratings to reinforce credibility.
Save time with automation to set up campaigns once and let OfferHype do the heavy lifting .
Use these campaigns to share who just took the action you want others on the page to take. This could be for anything free like a summit, bundle, challenge or a paid product like a workshop or live event.
Use these campaigns when you want to help overcome objections on application pages, webinar pages, etc... so people don't need to reach out to your team because they are seeing their objections overcome by past clients/ customers.
Use these campaigns for limited time offers like because it will encourage more sign-ups. This is something you can embed on a thank you page to get instant feedback from FRESH new buyers.
We've been accepted into the Beta Program of Zapier so you can connect your OfferHype™ campaigns to thousands of tools instantly!
We are already working toward the Beta Program for Make to create even more integrations with our OfferHype™ tool.
And so many more tools and software through our Zapier integration!
Unlimited notifications
Unlimited campaigns
Unlimited domains
Zapier connection to thousands of other apps and tools
Access to current version and future versions for life
No refunds - access for life
Unlimited notifications
Unlimited campaigns
Unlimited domains
Zapier connection to thousands of other apps and tools
Access to current version and future versions for life
No refunds - access for life
You'll get instant access to everything and a guide to set up your first campaign within the next 5-10 minutes!
Absolutely! And whatever you pay, that's what you pay for unlimited access. No sneaky upgrades or required additional payments.
It is very easy! The other platforms have so many options and things to tinker with. OfferHype™ is kept simple with 3 of the highest converting campaign types.
Online Offer Sales Pages
Challenges, Bundles, Summits, Virtual Events
Freebies and Lead Magnet Pages
Membership Sites
E-commerce Product Pages
Any website for anything!
© Systems Saved Me® 2016-2024, All Rights Reserved.
Refund Policy: Due to the digital nature of our products, we do not offer any refunds. If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please reach out to
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